Transparent clay
05-23-2010 | By: shadowli
今日推荐曲目:I Can't Seem To Make You Mine _ The Clientele
In the silence of the garden
Moss arizing on the wind
and the beast is pondering love love love
'Till the rusty nail grow dim
I can't seem to make you mine
Through the long and lonely night
And I try so hard, darling
But the crowd pulled you away
Through the rhythm and tha rain
And the ivy coiled around my hand
So I lingered with the people
In the silent August glade
But the rain has brought the night
And the night has brought the rain
Quote of the Day:If a man empties his purse into his head, no one can take it from him._Benjamin Franklin

预告片音乐是《Somewhere Only We Know》,里维斯唱的,也很好听。
我们还特意找来这部片子一起看,看完后我们对影片中时间关系进行了热烈的讨论,最后那男生总结说“为什么我跟你一起看的这么几部电影都是时空跨越的?” - -!!!
大四了,都散了。以后还不知道有没有机会再见T T...
我很偶然听到后,欢天喜地地收着宅在寝室听了很久,结果发现原来大家都在听,连超市也在放! - - 这叫我情何以堪...
1.《Love Story meets Viva la Vida》,是Love Story 和 Viva la Vida两首歌的旋律改编,推荐看优酷视频。
希望我没有悲剧地成为 OUT WOMAN
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